Good modded arma 3 servers install#
We'll need to add the non-free repository before we can install steam: nano /etc/apt/sources.listĪdd non-free to the repository line and save the file apt update & apt install steamcmdĬreate a symbolic link to the steamcmd file ln -s /usr/games/steamcmd steamcmdĬreate the directories used to store the profile files and Arma3.cfg file. We'll create a directory called steamcmd and switch into the directory, then download the steamcmd files: mkdir ~/steamcmd & cd ~/steamcmd ssh Step 2: Create an ARMA UserĪdd a new user arma and switch into the user: adduser arma su arma Step 3: Create a SteamCMD Directory and Download Files Step 1: Login to SSH on the serverīegin by logging into SSH to your server. Then, do the following to setup an ARMA 3 server of your own on a linux based server. How to Install ARMA 3 Dedicated Serverĭecide which server packages fit your budget and needs. This requirement is right in-line with the recommended specs for the game. Consider installing an extra 1GB of RAM for every 10 extra players on your server. It's a given that more is always better with dedicated hardware. The Recommended ARMA 3 Server Requirementsĭon't want rubberbanding and issues with the hardware? The minimum server specs are about the same as running the game so if it's working on your rig then it'll work on a server.
Good modded arma 3 servers how to#
Want to know the server requirements? And, how to set one up? Read on. This sandbox shooter hosts 16,000+ average players spread across approximately 1500 servers.ĭoes your group of friends add to the more than 62000 units & clans battling for ARMA supremacy? If so, then you've likely discussed the idea of an ARMA 3 server. ARMA 3 has a solid following because of its realistic military action.